I'm very sorry to share this news with you: Roco is again in troubles.
Almost exactly four years after first time something really was wrong with Roco, the company is in big problems again.
There has been a change at the management board.
More information on this German website:
Kind Regards,
Gert (from Holland)
Danmark, mit andet hjemland. Fan af Efterklang - Danmarks bedste musik!
Indlæg: 1.450
Hallo Gert!
To Bad to here ,how serius is it whit Roco's Problems
Mvh Jimmy
mine Hobby interesser
modelbane hobby
Indlæg: 229
That doesn't sound good
Mvh Simon M. Mørch
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Veenendaal Netherlands
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Rather serious. My guess is that buying Flesichmann was one step too far.
Now they are reorganizing not one, but two companies. And they have a lot of employers who are not happy anymore.
Besides the financial and organizational problems, there is the quality problem.
The last years a lot went wrong. I don't know if the new Danish models brought onto the market during the last years were any good (I only buy Danish models from Hobbytrade and Heljan), but with every new Dutch Roco model something was wrong. Either something with the colours or something with parts of the loc or the wagon. Really frustrating...
If I find new information on the internet I will post it here.
Kind regards,
Danmark, mit andet hjemland. Fan af Efterklang - Danmarks bedste musik!
Indlæg: 633
I hope there will be found a solution so they can continue, the way we know them...or the way we like to know them.
Too sad they bought Fleischmann, and ended up in financial trouble. I doubt they will have the same goodwill from banks, creditors etc as Märklin have. After all the brand does not have the same value or the same strength as Märklin.
But lets hope the best for ROCO and us who enjoy (some of) their models.
3-skinne H0, K og C-skinner, CS3+, Primært dansk epoke III-VI