

Frank F


Indlæg: 569

PB  Hjemmeside

Marklin CS3/CS3+ - Update V1.3.0 tilgængelig.

Til alle dem som har en CS3 / CS3+ :

CS3/CS3+ Opdatering til Version 1.3.0 er frigivet i går 21-04-2017 via Online-Opdatering af CS3/CS3+.


CS3/CS3+ - CHANGE-LOG til Version 1.3.0 (ENGELSK SPROG):

1.3 : 1.3.0 ( 0 )
Content of the update V 1.3
Error corrections of known and localized errors
Some necessary extensions, so that reported errors could be repaired
New Leaders
Supports the decoder tool

Display of the console at stop
- In the Stop state, the directional arrows are also displayed in red.
Adapter 6021-60128
- Fixed an error while sending the inital configuration. The data is now sent correctly every time you restart.
S88 Status after reboot
- The status after restarting is first updated from the database and the status of the system is read. The execution of events up to the end of the process is prevented. Contacts with status "unknown" (red) are marked until the end of the reading. The process is indicated by a progress indicator.
Link-S88 Config after restart
- An error which prevented the link S88 from getting the required setting values ​​at system start has been fixed. The settings are now sent to the device and subsequently the current status of the contacts is read.
- The same happens when a Link-S88 is subsequently started.
Execution stop of automatics during the S88 status read-in
- As long as the status of the S88 contacts is read, the execution of automatic functions is inhibited. This is indicated in the automatic menu. If an attempt is made to activate the automatics in this state, a corresponding message is output.
Automatic start-up of locomotives
- Automatic start-up of locomotives is now also indicated by a progress indicator. A termination of the start-up is no longer indicated by a message.
Canceling an event using an S88 contact
- The designation of whether an event was aborted or continued was incompatible with the realization of the CS2. Now this is uniform to CS2.
Identification action of an S88 contact
- An indication of whether an S88 contact is waiting or aborted has been added.
Time function for locomotive functions
- This feature has been re-programmed analogously to the CS2.
Interface PC control programs
- The broadcast interface was simulated analogously to the CS2. This should restore the PC control programs.
Crash by double dialog
- Through various actions, dialogs could be opened twice, resulting in a GUI crash.
Crash when inserting track building articles
- Repeated insertion of track construction articles could lead to a crash. As a result, this crash could lead to an empty track. The error has been cleared.
Crash SLAVE GUI through game world locomotives in the ad
- A slave GUI could have problems starting when both left and right the same locomotive with activated game world was in the controller. This error has been fixed.
Crash GUI at mfx logon while active game leader
- The GUI crashed when an mfx application was terminated and you were at the same time in the game world leader. This bug has been fixed.
Magnetic article position on a connected MS2
- The current magnetic article position is now displayed correctly on a MS2.
Double-tap on loco function
- Double-tap on loco function permanently changed the status.
Locals with special characters
- Locals can now contain a small selection of urgently needed special characters. "", "", "", "", "", "", "" .
Magnetic articles with special characters
- Magnetic articles may now also contain a small selection of urgently needed special characters. They are the same as the locomotives.
Delete articles / locomotives with special characters
- The deletion of articles / locomotives with special characters was not completely possible. Elements with question marks were inserted on the layout and could not be deleted. This has been fixed in the course of introducing special characters.
Creating articles
- When creating articles, the selection window remains open and had to be closed separately. This will now be closed correctly.
New mfx articles m83 (60832) and m84 (60842)
- The support for the new mfx-compatible accessories has been added. The DCC CVs in the template for m83 and m84 have been extended.
Editing mfx accessories
- The CV descriptions for the entries have been revised and expanded.
Specification of entries when creating articles
- When prescribing addresses and names of articles, reasonable assumptions are now proposed, if this is recognizable. This makes the creation of articles faster and easier.
Number of DCC locomotives
- The number of digits of DCC locomotives is now adjustable and is used during control.
Move windows
- Moving windows is now more fluid. The package updater has also been revised. The side effect that the windows are now partially unfavorable will be fixed in V1.4.
CS2 data import
- When importing the memory configuration of the CS2, the CS2 contacts are no longer imported as control contacts. These are now assigned to the device with the acknowledgment 1.
Setting up mfx functions.
-When setting up mfx functions, the wrong values ​​were written to the decoder. That was corrected.
Setting and sorting by type of locomotive
-When locomotives are created manually, the type of locomotive can be assigned. This allows the locomotives to be sorted by type.
Circuit repetition
- For torque and duration articles, a circuit repeat is now sent correctly.
- The texts are now translated in the mfx configuration. Some translations have yet to be submitted.
Disappear entries from events
- A cause was localized: deleting duplicates immediately deletes the entry in the events. A change that causes the event item to be automatically deleted after deleting the last item with this address will trigger the accidental disappearance of items.
New game world championship
- New worlds of games have been added:
- - Tower truck with stage control Railbus
- - Re 4/4 I
- - Modern Diesellok
- - Old building Diesel locomotive eg V140 / V16, V188
- - Ae 8/14
- - Diesel quick-action trains VT08, VT11
- - F7
- - BR 628
- - BR 103
Display gameslokloks consumption menu on the right
- If the consumption value menu of a game worldlok was called up on the right-hand control, this has been displayed outside the screen. This has been corrected and is now visible.
Operation Game-world brake by means of rotary knob
- The operation of the brake in the world of the game world is more sensitive.
Zoom track image
- The zooming of the track image was accelerated.
Address display adapter 6021
- When displaying the assigned locomotives to an adapter 6021, the address that is to be entered on the 6021 is now displayed in the address field. There are things
Mfx - editing with active game world locomotives
- An error that has interrupted the reading of mfx-CVs in the event of a failed read-out of consumption values ​​has been fixed.
Create Motorola locomotives from the database
- When creating locomotives from the database, locomotives could be created with a time function. The active times, however, were incorrectly deflected in the locomotive - which in part led to quite confusing phenomena. In part, the appearance is that functions are deactivated again by themselves - since the times could also be quite large.

Support decoder tool
- Added support for Märklin Decoder Tool.
Decoderupdate with the CS3
- A decoder update with the CS3 was implemented.
Restart Web Server after package update
-After a package update, the web server is restarted.
New locomotives
-The locomotives of the new 2017 and other LGB icons have been added.

Alphatest phase
Extensions Events
In the test are extensions to events. These are preliminary and will not be included in the release.

This includes:
Setting the status of S88 contacts.
Accessories and locomotive control as conditions for waiting or canceling.

1.3 Beta
Testing extensions in the automation area

S88 Status after reboot
The status after restarting is first updated from the database and the status of the system is read.
Time function for locomotive functions
This feature has been re-programmed analogously to the CS2.
Interface PC control programs
The broadcast interface was simulated analogously to the CS2. This should restore the PC control programs
Double dialog caused crashes
Through various actions, dialogs could be opened twice, resulting in a GUI crash
Magent articulation on a connected MS2
The current magnetic article position is now displayed on a MS2.
Double-tap on loco function
Double-tap on loco function permanently changed the status.
Locals with special characters
Locals can now contain a small selection of urgently needed special characters.
Number of DCC locomotives
The number of DCC locomotives is now adjustable and is also used during control.


• CS3+ ( SW 2.5.2 ) • CS2 60215 ( SW 4.3.0 ) • MS2 60653/57 ( SW 4.13 )
• MDT V3.6.0 • HW : 60971/60970/60801
• ESU-HW: 53451 / 53900 / 53901

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Jyllands hovedstad

Indlæg: 1.595


Frank F skrev:

New game world championship
- New worlds of games have been added:

Frank, vem har du til at oversætte for dig? "Spielewelt" hedder "World of Operation" på engelsk. Det jeg citerer herover er noget forfærdelit sludder. Er der nogen der er interesseret i en oversættelse til dansk kan den finnes her https://baneforum.dk/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2220#p13158


Hilsen Bent P.

Märklin gennem 40 år, M, K og C-skinner

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Frank F


Indlæg: 569

PB  Hjemmeside

Hej Bent P

Jeg har overhovedet "ikke oversat" noget som helst.

Change-Log uddraget er direkte kopieret fra et indlæg på Marklin-users:


og lagt ind her for at vise de aktuelle ændringer i Version 1.3.0 og for at komme med nye aktuelle "tilgængelige" Informationer om

Opdateringen til CS3/CS3 til de CS3-brugere, som måtte "finde" eller "anse" disse oplysninger for nyttige for Dem.

Hvis de videregivne oplysninger, måske ikke 100% korrekte oversat efter DIN mening, kan dette måske skyldes andres oversættelser,

som jeg ikke kan "garantere" eller stå inde for "rigtigheden" af.


I første gang omgang handler det vel om at videregive Informationer om CS3 & CS3+ til de Sporskiftet-brugere, som finder disse oplysninger

nyttige, uden at Du behøver at kommentere om enkelte Stave-fejl eller andre mangler, som Du også tidligere har gjort i andre indlæg

skrevet af Mig før i tiden.


Til Bent P,:

Du må finde på noget andet at lave, end at lege "Censor" i Stave-kontrol eller Oversættelser eller lege Over-lærer overfor andre Brugere

af Sporskiftet.dk .

Det er efterhånden lidt træls for Brugere af Sporskiftet at lægge øjne og ører til disse typer af små-indlæg, som egentlig hører hjemme i

"småtings-afdelingen" og ikke nødvendigt vis "bør" posteres og kommenteres i et indlæg her på Sporskiftet.dk.

Brug i stedet for tiden på at skrive nogle rigtige "gode" Indlæg, som kommer andre til "gavn" her på Sporskiftet.dk .




• CS3+ ( SW 2.5.2 ) • CS2 60215 ( SW 4.3.0 ) • MS2 60653/57 ( SW 4.13 )
• MDT V3.6.0 • HW : 60971/60970/60801
• ESU-HW: 53451 / 53900 / 53901

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Indlæg: 462

PB  Blog

Censor eller lære tja stavning er en sjov fætter selv ordblind kan se Bent P staver hvem med vem så hvem er hvem 



Mvh Allan 

Modeltog med slæbesko



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Jyllands hovedstad

Indlæg: 1.595


Altså er det en anden end dig der har oversat til noget sludder. Tak for information. Og til Allan, ja jeg er ordblind, det er et handicap, jeg har levet med i mange mange år, jeg staver som en brækket arm, siger min kone. Derfor kritiserer jeg heller ikke stavefejl, men når der bliver gengivet noget åbenlys sludder, så spørger jeg ind til kilden. Jeg forstår udemærket både tysk og engelsk og kopierer ikke ukritisk ting ting ikke selv har læst og forstået. Jeg ved også efter mange år med Märklin digitalstyring at changelog til softwaren kommer på tysk.


Hilsen Bent P.

Märklin gennem 40 år, M, K og C-skinner

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Lars Skjærlund



Indlæg: 4.105

PB  Blog  Hjemmeside

Jeg vil gerne minde om følgende pasus fra brugsbetingelserne:

Ikke alle brugere af Sporskiftet skriver lige godt: Det er ikke tilladt at kritisere andre skribenters stavemåde.

Jeg vil også meget kraftigt opfordre til, at man standser de alt for mange diskussioner om korrekt sprogbrug mm.

For at undgå mere af denne slags her, lukker jeg tråden.



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